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2pages, 86 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Félix Vallotton"Advanced Search
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Cancellation sheet, fragments of ten woodblocks from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Lie, plate one from Intimacies, 1897. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Triumph, plate two from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Fine Pin, plate three from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Money, plate five from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Extreme Measure, plate six from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Five O'Clock, plate seven from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Getting Ready for a Visit, plate eight from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Other's Health, plate nine from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Irreparable, plate ten from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Cogent Reason, plate four from Intimacies, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Funeral, 1891. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Winner, 1898. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Milliner, 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Print Fanciers, 1892. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Murderer, 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
At the Age of Twenty..., 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Shower, 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Alarm, 1895. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Coffin Bearers, 1892. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Milliner, 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Self-Portrait, 1891. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
A Tight Corner, 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
To Ibsen, 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Laziness, 1896. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Frontispiece to Paris Intense, 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Singers, 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Off to the Jug, 1893, published 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Box Office, 1893, published 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Accident, 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Shower, 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Cover for Paris Intense, 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Parading through the Streets in Single File, 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Red Room, Etretat, 1899. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Badauderies parisiennes: Les Rassemblements, 1896. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Bathers on the Grass (Baigneuses étendues sur l'herbe), 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Entering the Water (L'entrée dans l'eau), 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Le Gagnant (The Winner), 1898. Creators: Félix Vallotton, Ambroise Vollard.
Three Bathers, 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
A Edgar Poe, 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
La paresse (Laziness), 1896. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
La Modiste (The Milliner), 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Corpse (Study for The Dead Christ), 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Grands Chasseurs--Le Cerf est prêt, 1903. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Two Studies of a Woman Dressing, 1890s. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Green Hat (Le chapeau vert), 1896. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Henri Daumier (Honore Daumier), 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Album Cover for "Paris Intense", 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Les Chanteurs (The Singers), 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Au Violon (Off to the Jug), 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Frontispiece from "Paris Intense", 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Deuxieme Bureau (Box Office), 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
L'Averse (The Shower), 1894. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Le Monôme (Parading through the Streets in Single File), 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
L'Accident (The Accident), 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Père: tragédie in 3 actes de Aug. Strindberg, 1894.  Creator: Félix Vallotton.
The Pursuit, 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Père: tragédie in 3 actes de Aug. Strindberg, 1894.  Creator: Félix Vallotton.
Book jacket for "Les Rassemblements", 1896. Creator: Félix Vallotton.
La Manifestation (The Demonstration), 1893. Creator: Félix Vallotton.